¡Prepárate para la aventura! Lanaja Legend Race 2025

El próximo 12 de abril de 2025, Lanaja se convertirá en el epicentro del ciclismo con la Lanaja Legend Race, un evento pensado para los amantes de la aventura sobre dos ruedas. Tanto si eres un apasionado de la bicicleta de montaña como del gravel, esta carrera te ofrece la oportunidad de enfrentarte a un desafío único rodeado de paisajes espectaculares y el inconfundible espíritu deportivo de Los Monegros.

Con tres recorridos, dos desafiantes rutas de BTT y una emocionante opción de Gravel, esta carrera es perfecta para quienes buscan superarse, disfrutar de la naturaleza y vivir una experiencia única sobre dos ruedas.

man riding mountain bike
man riding mountain bike

Bienvenidos a Lanaja Legend Race

Lanaja, un encantador municipio situado en el corazón de la comarca de Los Monegros, te invita a vivir una experiencia inolvidable en la Lanaja Legend Race. Este rincón de Aragón, conocido por sus vastos paisajes semidesérticos, su riqueza natural y su hospitalidad, se convierte cada año en el escenario perfecto para los amantes del ciclismo y la aventura.

La Lanaja Legend Race no es solo una carrera, es una celebración del deporte y la naturaleza. Con sus tres recorridos, dos de BTT y uno de Gravel, este evento combina desafío, diversión y el impresionante entorno monegrino. Los participantes tendrán la oportunidad de recorrer caminos históricos, pistas que atraviesan espectaculares llanuras y paisajes únicos que solo Lanaja puede ofrecer.

man on rock beside bicycle
man on rock beside bicycle
a group of people riding bikes down a road
a group of people riding bikes down a road

Nuestra Misión

En la Lanaja Legend Race, nuestra misión es crear una experiencia deportiva única que combine el desafío personal, el amor por la naturaleza y la celebración de la comunidad. Queremos que cada participante viva la emoción del ciclismo en su máxima expresión, enfrentándose a recorridos que no solo pongan a prueba sus habilidades, sino que también les permitan descubrir la belleza de Lanaja.

Nos esforzamos por promover el deporte como un motor de unión, respeto y superación, cuidando el entorno natural que hace de este evento algo especial. Más que una carrera, buscamos crear una leyenda en la que cada ciclista, voluntario y espectador sea protagonista.

Lanaja Legend Race: Más que una meta, una misión compartida.

Galería de Fotos

Captura los momentos emocionantes de la carrera en Lanaja.

A mountain bike with a dark red frame and black tires is positioned on a mound of dirt. The backdrop consists of terraced hills and lush greenery, suggesting a rural landscape. The bike's tires are muddy, indicating recent off-road use.
A mountain bike with a dark red frame and black tires is positioned on a mound of dirt. The backdrop consists of terraced hills and lush greenery, suggesting a rural landscape. The bike's tires are muddy, indicating recent off-road use.
Two mountain bikes rest on a rocky, sandy terrain with forested mountains in the background. The prominent bicycle is brightly painted in red and black, equipped with thick tires, and appears to be an electric model. The landscape suggests an adventurous outdoor setting with vibrant greenery and rugged rocks.
Two mountain bikes rest on a rocky, sandy terrain with forested mountains in the background. The prominent bicycle is brightly painted in red and black, equipped with thick tires, and appears to be an electric model. The landscape suggests an adventurous outdoor setting with vibrant greenery and rugged rocks.
Two cyclists are riding on a winding gravel trail through a natural landscape with shrubs and scattered trees under an expansive cloudy sky. The individuals are wearing helmets and casual cycling attire, with one cyclist carrying a small backpack.
Two cyclists are riding on a winding gravel trail through a natural landscape with shrubs and scattered trees under an expansive cloudy sky. The individuals are wearing helmets and casual cycling attire, with one cyclist carrying a small backpack.
man riding mountain bike
man riding mountain bike
a dirt road in the middle of a mountain
a dirt road in the middle of a mountain
A mountain bike stands on a grassy trail that extends towards a distant range of mountains under a partly cloudy sky. The scene captures a sense of openness and adventure, with lush greenery and rugged terrain.
A mountain bike stands on a grassy trail that extends towards a distant range of mountains under a partly cloudy sky. The scene captures a sense of openness and adventure, with lush greenery and rugged terrain.
A mountain bike with a dark red frame and black tires is positioned on a mound of dirt. The backdrop consists of terraced hills and lush greenery, suggesting a rural landscape. The bike's tires are muddy, indicating recent off-road use.
A mountain bike with a dark red frame and black tires is positioned on a mound of dirt. The backdrop consists of terraced hills and lush greenery, suggesting a rural landscape. The bike's tires are muddy, indicating recent off-road use.
man riding mountain bike
man riding mountain bike